curriculum vitae


  • 2005 – 2007: Marie Curie Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany
  • 2001 – 2004: Research Fellow at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, UK
  • 1998 – 2001: Post-doctoral Research Assistant at Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, London, UK


  • 1994 – 1998: University of Southampton, UK – Ph.D. Thesis: ‘Galaxy-Cluster Interactions: Supervisor: M.R. Merrifield,
  • 1987 – 1994: University of Patras, Greece – Undergraduate education. Degree Subject: Physics, Final Year Project: ‘Interstellar Shells and Supershells in the Magellanic Clouds’, Supervisor: Professor C.D. Goudis
  • 1991 (March 18-23): 21st ‘SAAS-FEE’ Advanced Course in Astronomy and Astrophysics, on ‘The Galactic Interstellar Medium’, Switzerland
  • 1994 (July 1-31): ‘Summer School of Advanced Physics’, Physics Department, University of Crete, Greece


  • 2002 – 2004: PhD Supervisor. Project: Radio jets – Cluster interactions (N. Jetha), University of Birmingham, UK
  • 2001 – 2004: Supervisor (last year undergraduate projects). University of Birmingham, UK 2001-2004: Supervisor of observatory labs, University of Birmingham, UK 1999-2000: Laboratory demonstrator, University of Southampton, UK
  • 1991 – 1993: Personal tuition of Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry to pupils aged between 13 and 17 (Greece).


  • Observations and data analysis
    : In the X-ray and Radio wavelengths.

  • Theory
    : a study of Bondi-Hoyle accretion and ram pressure stripping.
  • I am the author of approximately 30 publications in refereed astronomical journals. I have presented my work at international astronomy conferences in Europe and the US.

curriculum vitae


Triantafyllaki Aikaterini-Niovi
date of birth

Greek, English(CPE-C2), French(DELF-B2), Spanish

Tel: +306986319958 – email: katrina-rose@windowslive.com


Galaxy evolution and formation, blazars, accretion processes, high energy astrophysics, instrumentation for space


  • September 2022- | PhD candidate
    Tartu Observatory, Tartu, Estonia
    Imprints of dynamic friction in different environments supervised by Rain Kipper
  • March – July 2022 | Internship
    Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, Marseille, France
    MSc-year 2: “Tests of Hieratchical Accretion in the Virgo Cluster” supervised by Alessia Longobardi and Alessandro Boselli
  • April – July 2021 | Internship
    Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
    MSc-year 1: “Studying the Extremely Faint Universe to Understand Galaxy Evolution” supervised by Alessia Longobardi
  • 2020-21 | Research Project
    Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
    “The variability of a blazar source in intra-night scales” supervised by Arti Goyal, Lukasz Stawarz
  • June – August 2019 | Internship
    Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
    “The power spectra of blazar sources” supervised by Lukasz Stawarz
  • 2018-19 | Telescope Assistant/Intern
    Institute of Astrophysics/FORTH, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
    “Assisting scientific research observations, photometry, spectroscopy, and polarimetry at Skinakas Observatory. Operation of 1.3m and 0.3 telescopes”



Master in Physics/Space

Thesis defense: July 2022
Evaluation: second upper-class honors(B)/Defence Grade 16.7/20-ranked among 3 best

Aix-Marseille University France
Thesis Title: “Tests of Hierarchical Accretion in the Virgo Cluster”, Topic: Studying traces of galactic evolution in the faint halos and filaments of the Virgo Cluster galaxies, Supervisor: Dr. Alessia Longobardi and Alessandro Boselli


Bachelor of Physics

Thesis defense: January 2020
Evaluation: very good

University of Crete Greece
Thesis Title: “Determination of the rotational velocity and spectral classification of four Be/Xray Binaries”, Topic: Analysis on the spectral data reduction using the IRAF/pyraf software, classifications of the accreting systems, calculating their rotational velocities, Supervisor: Dr. Pablo Reig


Conference Proceedings

27th Young Scientists’ Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics (Published Abstract:) Studying the Extremely Faint Universe to Understand Galaxy Evolution-Published abstract 2021

Galaxies interact with each other forming larger galaxies, following the hierarchical scenario, where larger structures evolve from smaller ones. Here, I will explore how signatures of hierarchical evolution can be found in the distribution of light, kinematics and dynamics of nearby galaxies while in the meantime understand the difficulties on the carried out research that is done in this field.

Conference Proceedings

Open Readings 2022(Published Abstract:) Tests of Hierarchical Formation in the Virgo Cluster.

Tartu-Tuorla cosmology seminar “Galaxy dynamics and beyond”(Published Abstract:) Tests of Hierarchical Formation in the Virgo Cluster


Computational Skills
C++, IRAF/pyraf, Python, Latex, MatLab, CASA pipeline, SEXtractor, Canva


Alessia Longobardi
ERC postdoc – alessia.longobardi@unimib.it

Matthieu Bethermin
Astronomer at LAM – matthieu.bethermin@lam.fr https://people.lam.fr/bethermin.matthieu/

Łukasz Stawarz
Director of Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University – stawarz@oa.uj.edu.pl
https://www.oa.uj.edu.pl/L.Stawarz/Curriculum-Vitae Stawarz.pdf/

Pablo Reig
Director of Research(Institute of Astrophysics/FORTH) – preig@ia.forth.gr


Autumn 2021

  1. Msc Course of UoC/physics: Radiational Processes in Astrophysics-AstroIII
  2. Bsc Course of UoC/physics: Conduction and Analysis of Astronomical Observations

Spring 2021

  1. Bsc course of UoC/MST: Electromagnetism
  2. Msc Course of UoC/physics: Statistical Physics

Summer/Autumn 2021

Bsc courses of EKPA: Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic fields A and B, Electromagnetism


High School Students: Physics and Math as followed by the Hellenic Educational System


Internship financed by VESTIGE/LAM 560€/month

Bourses pour les etudes-Ministere de l’enseignement superieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation 1724.00€

Spring 2021
IphU Stagiaire 560€ /month

2019-3-EL02-KA105-005242-KA1 Erasmus Plus actions, 29350€


  • April 2023
    28th Young Scientists’ Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics-Invited Speaker

  • April 2023
    Hackathon Vaskna: writing of a paper.

  • June 2022
    Centuri-Turing Center for Living Systems Hackathon: 1st Place-Project CORIMA

  • May 2022
    Tartu-Tuorla cosmology seminar “Galaxy dynamics and beyond”(Speech Presentation:) Tests of Hierarchical Formation in the Virgo Cluster, Estonia

  • March 2022
    Open Readings 2022-65th International Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences,Vilnius(Poster Presentation:) Tests of Hierarchical Formation in the Virgo Cluster
  • February 2022 Lessons, observations and data reduction and analysis at OHP, Contacting of observational plan with T120(followed by photometry-data reudctions, interferometry with T80

  • July 2021
    ISM of galaxies-International Summer School on the Interstellar Medium of Galaxies, France

  • June 2021
    ESCAPE SUMMER SCHOOL – Data Science for Astronomers, Astroparticle and Particle Physics, Laboratoire d’Annecy de Physique des Particules, Annecy, France

  • April 2021
    27th Young Scientists’ Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics-Invited Speaker, Kiuv, Ukraine

  • April 2021
    27th Young Scientists’ Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics-Invited Speaker

  • July 2020
    Compact Objects and Energetic Phenomena in the Multi-Messenger Era, NRAO

  • April 2020
    Webinar in online teaching: Challenges and solutions in Higher Education, April/May 2020

  • June 2019
    59th Cracow School of Theoretical Physics: Probing the Violent Universe with multimessenger eyes, Jagiellonian University

  • April 2017
    Participant at the International Physicist Tournament 2017 at the National Level(Second place of Greek Teams)

  • April 2016
    Participant at the International Physicist Tournament 2016 at International Level (Ranked 8th worldwide)


Students’ Astronomy Group (2013-2021)

  1. Group Logistics, Public Observations, Organising Events, Lectures, Workshops
  2. Co-organizer of 1st Geometry Workshop in Anogeia,
  3. (2015) Researcher’s Night researcher
  4. (2016, 2017, 2019) Scientific Content Writer, “the sky of Greece”, monthly newsletter of Institute of Astrophysics (Forth)/AOFPK
  5. public relations
  6. Amateur Telescope Operator (8 inches diameter Dobsonian Telescope /9.8 inches diameter Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope /12 inches -Meade LX200 IA/Forth/unimag)

(2019- )

  1. Mathesis Moodle: A voyage to the universe, first stop: our solar system
  2. Scientific advisor of videos “the sky of Greece”
  3. Scientific Content Writer, “the sky of Greece”, monthly newsletter of Institute of Astrophysics (Forth)/AOFPK
  4. Content writer at Uni-Mag website

Austria NGO (2023-)
Vice-president, Erasmus+ Coordinator since 2022

Assistant project coordinator, communication manager, Erasmus+ content writer

Founder, Erasmus+ Project Coordinator, Events Organiser for STEM, KA1 Erasmus+

Science Behind (2018-2021)
Content writer for science outreach
STEM events and experiments in Heraklion