Captain GG: Team, today I say we start heading with my ship to French Guiana to see the first launch of the new rocket Ariane 6.
Dad: Are we going to pass through Gibraltar again?
Daphne: I hope we don’t have a repeat of what happened during the first launch of Ariane 5.
Mr. A: At that time, it carried the 4 satellites of the Cluster mission. The purpose of Cluster was to study the Earth’s magnetic field and its interaction with the solar wind.
Captain GG: Are we finally going to set off? You will have plenty of time during the journey to talk about Ariane 5 and what happened on its first flight.
Little A: Unfortunately, back then, all 4 satellites became a big firework in the sky.

Mom: Let’s not dwell on that!
Captain GG: We will set off tomorrow. See you tomorrow in Piraeus. And yes, we will pass through Gibraltar again.
Little A: But this time after Gibraltar, we won’t turn right or left; we will go straight.
Daphne: How many hours is the journey?
Mr. A: I did a Google search and found that Greece is 6 hours away from French Guiana.
Little A: Are we going to the jungle?
Dad: Do you want to go to the Amazon, Little A?
Adrianos: Let’s watch the launch first, and then we’ll see the crocodiles.

Daphne: Did you know that the currency of French Guiana is the euro?
Little A: That’s great because we can eat spinach pie!

The only problem was that the last stage of the rocket did not ignite.

Daphne: However, the mission was considered successful, and Ariane 6 will now continue to place satellites into orbit around the Earth.