The optical telescope featured in this issue is located in our country, on Mount Kyllini, in Corinth, and it is the Cryonerius Observatory. It was established in 1972, and recently it has started to gain attention because… it will become a space hub! […]

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The comet Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, or simply comet A3, was first detected in January 2023 at an observatory in China. This October, its journey brings it to perihelion, meaning its closest distance to the Sun, and it is so bright that it has provided many charming evenings for night sky enthusiasts, just after sunset during twilight. […]

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Adrianos: These days (September 2024), everyone says that Mercury is moving backward.

98 Ianthi: You who live on Earth only see Mercury and Venus going ‘backward’ in the two-dimensional sky?

431 Nefeli: We, who live in the main asteroid belt, often see Earth going retrograde too.

Adrianos: In general, if someone lives on planet Y, all the planets located between the Sun and planet Y appear to be the beings living on Y to be moving backward. […]

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