What are they? Interacting Spiral Galaxies
While galaxies begin a wild dance around each other—without many questions, demands, conditions, or dreams for the future. […]
If we don’t ask, we can’t evolve. For that reason Uni-Mag staff simplifies and explains the various fields of astronomy for all audiences.
While galaxies begin a wild dance around each other—without many questions, demands, conditions, or dreams for the future. […]
It’s time to put Mercury back on track! What does it mean when we say a planet is in retrograde, and how does it affect our lives? […]
Scientists have found that the geochemical composition of the planet Mercury, which is very similar to that of rocky areas of the Troodos Mountains in Cyprus! […]
The latest version of a satellite to monitor the Earth’s weather and climate is Meteosat (MTG). […]
Summer nights, by the beach or in a countryside cottage, sounds of nature, a starry sky, and a light streaking across the horizon, a shooting star. Did something fall? […]
The Canary Islands have 37 observatories on the high peaks of their mountains! In this issue and in upcoming ones, we will guide you through some of them! […]
From the hottest blue-white supergiants to the coolest red dwarfs, learn the colors of the stars! […]
It’s the day we realize that there are many threatening objects out there that may collide with Earth. […]
Learn which are the 25 brightest stars in the night sky. […]
The Observatory of Skinakas is located in the island of Crete at the Nida plateau. […]