Our solar system with the Sun in the center. Eight more planets orbit around the Sun.
The four planets closest to the Sun (Ermis, Afrodite, Earth, Mars) are made of stone. The other four (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Poseidon)  are made of gas. The zone in between is the asteroid zone (an area full of stones called asteroids)

The NAI team (Nefeli | Adrianos | Ianthe) says always YES to whatever needs to be done in order to gain knowledge or to help us learn more.

98 Ianthe and 431 Nefeli are two asteroids that live in the main asteroid zone. They like it so much to hang around with their earthling cousin Adrianos. He is always full of magnificent ideas for playing and discovering things. They usually learn about hidden or remote areas of our universe as well as weird astronomical phenomena.